Perth’s Top Spots for Lab Grown Diamonds and What Sets Them Apart

Introduction to Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are making waves in the world of gemstones, offering an ethical and affordable alternative to their natural counterparts. In this guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about lab grown diamonds Perth, particularly in the Perth market.

What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab grown diamonds, as the name suggests, are diamonds created in a controlled environment rather than formed naturally over millions of years. They’re chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural diamonds, but they’re made in a fraction of the time.

How Lab Grown Diamonds are Created

Lab grown diamonds are made using two primary methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). HPHT mimics the extreme conditions of the Earth’s mantle, while CVD uses a plasma to deposit carbon atoms on a substrate. Both methods produce diamonds that are indistinguishable from those mined from the Earth.

The Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds

Ethical and Environmental Advantages

One of the biggest selling points of lab grown diamonds is their ethical appeal. They don’t contribute to the environmental damage and human rights issues often associated with diamond mining. By choosing lab grown diamonds, you’re making a decision that’s kinder to both people and the planet.

Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Natural Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds generally cost 20-40% less than natural diamonds of similar size and quality. This is because they don’t involve the extensive mining and transportation processes that natural diamonds do. For those who want a high-quality diamond without the hefty price tag, lab grown options are a fantastic choice.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

Similarities Between Lab Grown and Natural Diamonds

Both lab grown and natural diamonds are made of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice. This means they have the same hardness and brilliance, making them just as beautiful and durable. They also share the same grading criteria, such as the 4 Cs (Carat, Cut, Color, Clarity).

Key Differences to Consider

While they are visually identical, lab grown diamonds Perth come with a different set of certifications and may include a laser inscription on the girdle to indicate their origin. Natural diamonds, on the other hand, are often more valued for their rarity and history. It’s important to weigh these factors when making your choice.

Lab Grown Diamonds in the Perth Market

Popular Trends in Perth

In Perth, the trend towards lab grown diamonds is on the rise. More people are becoming aware of the benefits and are choosing these modern gems for engagements, weddings, and other significant occasions. The city’s jewelers are responding by offering a wider range of lab grown options to meet this growing demand.

Where to Buy Lab Grown Diamonds in Perth

Top Jewelers Specializing in Lab Grown Diamonds

Perth has a selection of reputable jewelers who specialize in lab grown diamonds. Stores like The Diamond Club and Perth Diamonds offer a variety of choices, ensuring that you can find a diamond that fits your style and budget. They also provide expert guidance to help you make an informed decision.

Online Options for Purchasing

If you prefer shopping online, several websites cater to Perth residents looking for lab grown diamonds. Platforms like Brilliant Earth and James Allen offer a vast selection with detailed descriptions and customer reviews. Buying online can be a convenient way to browse a wide range of options from the comfort of your home.

How to Choose the Perfect Lab Grown Diamond

Understanding the 4 Cs of Lab Grown Diamonds

When choosing a lab grown diamond, it’s essential to consider the 4 Cs: Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity. Carat refers to the weight of the diamond, Cut impacts its sparkle, Color ranges from colorless to various shades, and Clarity measures the presence of internal or external flaws. Each of these factors will affect the overall appearance and value of the diamond.

Tips for Selecting the Right Diamond for You

Think about what aspects matter most to you—whether it’s the size, the sparkle, or the price. Try to see the diamond in person if possible, as this will give you a better idea of how it looks under different lighting conditions. And don’t forget to ask about the diamond’s origin and certification.

Maintaining and Caring for Lab Grown Diamonds

Cleaning Tips

Lab grown diamonds are easy to care for. Regular cleaning with a mild soap solution and a soft brush will keep them sparkling. Avoid harsh chemicals and ensure you rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Storage Recommendations

When not in use, store your diamond in a soft cloth or a separate compartment in your jewelry box to prevent scratches. Lab grown diamonds are durable, but it’s always best to treat them with care to maintain their pristine condition.

The Future of Lab Grown Diamonds

Innovations on the Horizon

The technology behind lab grown diamonds is constantly evolving. Future advancements may bring even more options for customization and quality, making these diamonds an increasingly attractive choice for consumers.

The Growing Popularity and Market Trends

As more people learn about the benefits of lab grown diamonds, their popularity is expected to grow. The market trends indicate a shift towards more sustainable and ethical choices, and lab grown diamonds are at the forefront of this movement.


Lab grown diamonds offer a dazzling alternative to natural diamonds, combining ethical considerations with cost savings and exceptional quality. Whether you’re shopping in Perth or online, you’ll find that these gems are a compelling choice for any occasion. By opting for lab grown diamonds, you’re making a stylish and responsible decision that benefits both you and the environment.

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